I'll just dig right in: I had a flirty situationship with a handsome and successful man who was heavily career focused and was saying all the right things but not taking action. I've honestly never been in a situation like this in my entire life so I was confused and assumed it was a "healthy" dynamic. I am usually the one being pursued and don't usually do any pursuing. I have also dated some clingers in the past, so his independence was a breath of fresh air. I, also, am very independent and enjoy my solitude and freedom. I soon began to realize that I was the one making all the plans and discussed my feelings maturely with him. He reassured me and said all the right things to keep me engaged, yet nothing changed. My feelings were hurt, and ss an artist does, I took the shitty situation and strummed some chords over it. The melody and lyrics came into my mind simultaneously, and I sat at a cafe quietly singing into my phone and ferociously typing on my iPad Magic Keyboard, doing the "crafting" work. This is the part of songwriting that requires sitting still with focused effort. Songs flow into my mind in pieces while I am just living life doing normal activities, and I have to carver out time to intentionally put the puzzle together. The "sitting-down to work" part is th hardest for me, and as described in the book "War of Art", it feels like fighting resistance. Finishing Songs takes effort, and just like working out art the gym, its a muscle that can become stronger with consistent use. Breadcrumbs was the first song I finished in the spring of 2024 after almost a year dry-spell. Little did I know it was the start of a breadcrumb trail to a new inspired writing-streak. <3
