This is a fun, up-beat song about the choice-parallasys that comes with youth and freedom from responsibilities. While many of my friends are getting married and settling down, I'm still childless and currently single, by choice. Because of that, I can create whatever life I desire and the indecision can be crippling. It's a blessed problem to have. While living in Hawaii, I was making frequent trips back to Nashville, and had a co-writing session scheduled with an incredible producer and guitarist (on tour with Colbie Callait, Gavin Degraw, Michael Buble, etc.). That morning, I sat at my familiar little cafe across from Belmont University, where I earned my Bachelors degree about 12 years prior, and had a wave of nostalgia come over me about the hopeful feelings I had for my career when I was 20. I had also just listened to a podcast where Jordan Peterson spoke about how America spits college students out in the world with quite limited direction or useful tools for real life. He said, when you graduate you are handed "A big box of nothing". I sat down with a coffee wrote the first verse in my Journal:

"First class education, its a celebration, now go grab life by the horns, go explore, see what catches your eye, bye bye, see ya later, Alligator..."

Then, went to the bathroom to sing it into my phone's voice notes while the melody was fresh in my mind. Singing song ideas into my phone is a daily occurrence for me since the beginning of smartphones. Before that, I had a small portable voice recorder that took AAA batteries. I brought this into the studio with Tyler and the rest came quickly. The early 2000's production vibe caputured the exact nostalgic feeling I had, and I honestly can't stop listening to this one! It sounds like the theme song to a a modern "Saved By The Bell" teen high-school show in all the right ways❤️




“What it takes 2 let u go” Backstory